Friday, March 14, 2008

Puliyodharai - Tamarind Rice

Basmati Rice - 1 cup
Onion - 1 (medium size - finely chopped)
Dry red chillies - 5 (as per taste)
Turmeric pwd - 1/2 tsp
Channa dal - 2 tsp
Thick tamarind juice - 1 cup
Sesame oil - 3 tsp
Mustard Seeds - 1 tsp
Curry leaves

1. Cook the rice in 2 cups of water and keep it aside.
2. Heat oil in a pan, saute mustard seeds, channa dal, curry leaves and dry red chillies.
3. Add onion, fry till it is done.
4. Add the tamarind juice, turmeric powder and salt. Cook until it becomes a fine paste. Cool it.
5. Now add the cooked rice to this paste and mix well.
6. Puliyodharai is ready to be served with Pappads.

Note: Peanuts, Cashew nuts can be added along with dry red chillies.

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