Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Carrot Kheer

A very healthy dessert...

Milk - 1litre
Carrot - 6 nos
Almonds - 30 nos
Cardamom Powder - 1 tsp (as per taste)
Sugar - 2 cups (can be reduced or added more as per taste)

1. Soak Almonds in warm water for 30 minutes.
2. Chop the carrots and cook them with 2 cups of milk in a pressure cooker for upto 3 whistles.
3. Cool the cooked carrots/milk mixture. Grind them in a blender.
4. Grind the soaked almonds(with the skin) in to a fine paste.
5. Boil the remaining milk and the blended carrot in a thick bottom pan for 10 mins. Keep stirring continuosly.
6. Add the sugar followed by Almond paste.
7. Boil until it becomes thick.
8. Add the cardamom powder and take off from the stove.
9. Refrigerate it and serve

Note: Can be served hot also.

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